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It’s common to look in the mirror and regret all those years of unprotected sun exposure. However, the Manhattan plastic surgeons at Allure Plastic Surgery can help you reverse much of that damage with affordable treatments such as a photofacial.
A photofacial, or intense pulsed light treatment, is specifically designed to remove spots and eradicate tiny, unflattering facial blood vessels. The treatment is quick and easy since we cool the skin prior to exposing it to a handheld device that dispenses bright flashes of light. The pigment in the spots is essentially bleached by the light and flakes off within a few days. The photofacial targets tiny spider veins at the same time, providing significant improvement of facial redness. The redness improvement is especially effective in patients suffering from Rosacea. Redness sometimes occurs and clears within a few hours.
To learn more about Photofacial and to find out if the treatment is right for you, please schedule a consultation with Allure Plastic Surgery by calling (212) 661-2563 or filling out our online form today.
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