
150 East 61st St New York, NY 10065

1424 Richmond Ave. Staten Island, NY 10314

1150 Amboy Ave. Edison, New Jersey 08837

Free Consultations for Cosmetic Procedures


Has “lose the love handles” been at the top of your New Year's resolution list for years, even after spending time at the gym and eating a healthy diet? When you’ve given up indulging in sweets, it is frustrating to still be faced with a muffin top that won’t go away. Sometimes fat is stubborn and hitting your target weight and doing countless crunches isn’t enough to get the sculpted abs you’ve worked so hard for.

CoolSculpting® is ground-breaking body contouring technology that is a clinically-proven, FDA-approved procedure. It gives patients a way to shape their abs without surgery or supplements. The procedure is done in the office, is non-invasive and best of all – no downtime.

Find out how CoolSculpting® can benefit your midsection: Contact Allure Plastic Surgery by calling (212) 661-2563 in New York today.

How CoolSculpting® Works

Using innovative cooling technology based on research from two prestigious Harvard scientists, CoolSculpting® works by targeting fat cells in a specific area and literally freezes them beneath the skin. This causes the cells to naturally die off and be safely eliminated from the body, leaving your abs looking more firm and shaped.

While the CoolSculpting® technology itself is complicated, the experience for the patient undergoing treatment is simple and even relaxing. The device is positioned on your abdomen and draws the bulge up between two cooling panels. Treatment is not painful or uncomfortable, you’ll just feel pressure and cold in that spot when the procedure starts which quickly fades. You can read, use your iPad or just sit back, relax and even take a nap while the machine cools the area.

Allure Plastic Surgery

Before & After

8 weeks after CoolSculpting (Single side treatment)

Results with CoolSculpting®

After three weeks many patients notice a reduction in belly fat and in two months will see the most dramatic results. The body continues to flush out fat cells for up to six months after treatment. With a healthy diet and exercise program, the results are long-lasting, if not permanent. If more shaping is desired after the results have been achieved, an extension of the treatment plan can be discussed with your doctor.

Call our office at (212) 661-2563 for a free consultation with one of our experienced physicians to see if CoolSculpting® is the best choice to help you achieve the abs you dream of. We’ll work with you to create a custom treatment plan that fits your goals and needs.

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